It's been forever since I've had anything to say, because the biking around here is just not that fantastic. I've slipped into commuter mode, and it's not until today that I realized how nice that is. Today was the first day since moving to Cambridge that I haven't biked to work. There are reports that the car is behaving a little weirdly and I wanted to check it out. Biking hasn't been totally fun every day, especially with the high-latitude day length (or lack of it) in winter. I only wiped out on the ice once. I felt like an aching old man the next day, but really it's been fine. Not exciting, but fine.
Anyway, after driving in today I realize how nice it is to bike to work. Some fresh air and mild exercise to start the day certainly beats dodging traffic and pedestrians in a car. While the good trails around here may be technically off limits to bikes (more on that at a later date), and the lack of hills makes rides kind of two dimensional, there's a lot to be said for living in a community that is friendly enough to cyclists that the average commute is, in some sense, really boring.
A different thread
2 months ago